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Food marketing creates a false sense of health According to new research

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A new research study from the university of Houston revealed that health-related buzzwords, such as “antioxidant,” “gluten-free” and “whole grain,” lull consumers into thinking packaged food products labeled with those words are healthier than they actually are.

Temple Northrop, an assistant professor at the Jack J. Valenti school of communications at UH stated that, “false sense of health,” as well as a failure to understand the information presented in nutrition facts panels on packaged food may be contributing to the obesity epidemic in the United States.

“Saying Cherry 7-Up contains antioxidants is misleading. Food marketers are exploiting consumer desires to be healthy by marketing products as nutritious when, in fact, they’re not,” said Northup, principal investigator of the study, “Truth, Lies, and fill Sealer Packaging: how Food marketing creates a false sense of Health.”

The study took a closer look at how consumers link marketing terms on food packing with good health. The researchers found that consumers tend to view food products labeled with health-related euphemisms as healthier than those without them. It also showed that the nutrition facts panels printed on food packaging as required by the U.S. Food and drug administration do little to counteract that buzzword marketing.

“Words like organic, antioxidant, natural and gluten-free imply some sort of healthy benefit,” Northup said. “When people stop to think about it, there’s nothing healthy about Antioxidant Cherry 7-Up – it’s mostly filled with high fructose syrup or sugar. but its name is giving you this clue that there is some sort of health benefit to something that is not healthy at all.”

The study also looks at the “priming” psychology behind the words to explain why certain words prompt consumers to assign a health benefit to a food product with unhealthy ingredients.

 “For example, if I gave you the word ‘doctor,’ not only ‘doctor’ would be accessible in your mind – now all these other things would be accessible in your mind – ‘nurse,’ ‘stethoscope,’ etc.,” Northup said. “What happens when these words become accessible, they tend to influence or bias your frame of mind and how you evaluate something.”

This triggered concept is then available to influence later thoughts and behaviors, typically without explicit awareness of this influence – the so-called priming effect, Northup said.

Northup developed an experiment using priming theory to gather quantitative research on how food marketers influence consumers by means of visual/audio tools (learn more at He developed an online survey that randomly showed images of food products that either included actual marketing words, like organic, or a Photoshop image removing any traces of those words, thereby creating two different images of the same product. A total of 318 study participants took the survey to rate how “healthy” each product was.

The products with trigger words in their labels analyzed in the study were: Annie’s Bunny Fruit snacks (Organic), Apple Sauce (Organic), chef Boyardee Beefaroni (Whole Grain) chef Boyardee Lasagna (Whole Grain), chocolate Cheerios (Heart Healthy), Cherry 7-Up (Antioxidant), Smuckers Peanut Butter (All Natural) and Tostitos (All Natural).

Northup found when participants were shown the front of food packaging that included one of those trigger words, they would rate the items as healthier.

“I took a label from Cherry 7-Up Antioxidant and Photoshop it without the word ‘antioxidant’ and only the words, ‘Cherry 7-Up.’ I then asked people via the online survey which one they thought was healthier,” said Northup. “Each time a participant saw one of the triggering words on a label, they would identify it as healthier than the other image without the word. ”

After completing the product evaluations, the study participants then reviewed the nutrition facts panels on a variety of products. These labels would be presented two at a time so the participants could choose the healthier food or drink option.

“Food marketers say there are nutritional labels, so people can find out what’s healthy and what’s not,” he said. “Findings from this research study indicate people aren’t very good at reading nutritional labels even in situations where they are choosing between salmon și spam. Aproximativ 20 la sută au ales spam -ul ca opțiune mai sănătoasă peste somon ”, a spus Northup.

Acest studiu confirmă doar ceea ce am cunoscut deja. Consumatorii trebuie să fie mai bine educați cu privire la modul de citire a etichetelor alimentare în loc să se încadreze pentru tactici de marketing false. În stilul de viață rapid al familiilor americane, este atât de greu să convingi consumatorii să încetinească la magazinul alimentar. Vrem doar să intrăm, să ne umplem căruțele și să ieșim. Nu este surprinzător faptul că atât de mulți dintre noi căzuți pentru trucuri pe ambalajele alimentare.

Avem nevoie de un dialog deschis asupra efectelor modului în care alimentele sunt comercializate către consumatori, astfel încât să putem veni cu un fel de soluție (sursa:


Reflecție de weekend înrudită

Despre fondatorul nostru

Cascia Talbert este un blogger ocupat și mama a cinci copii, care locuiește în Spokane, WA. Cu un B.A. În istorie și drept și o pasiune pentru a scrie și a rămâne sănătos, a început revista Healthy Moms în 2007. Revista Healthy Moms este în prezent clasată pe blogul de top pentru sănătate pentru mame. Dna Talbert consideră că, dacă mamele sunt bine educate cu privire la problemele de sănătate și cum să rămână sănătoși, pot transmite aceste informații copiilor lor și pot inversa statisticile obezității copilăriei din S.U.A.

Dna Talbert conduce rețeaua de socializare Healthy Moms, este fondatorul sănătății Moms Media și, de asemenea, bloguri la Zoo Talbert.
Dacă v -a plăcut acest articol, s -ar putea să vă bucurați de aceste povești.

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Link către această postare: Marketingul creează un fals sentiment de sănătate conform noilor cercetări


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10 infant REGISTRY products YOU CAN’T discover ON AMAZON

Is Amazon the whatever store? Nope, it’s the most-things store. right here are my 10 infant favorites you won’t discover there.

10 infant Registry products you can’t discover on Amazon

Parasol Diapers

Soft, absorbent, as well as safe? What a lot more might you want out of your diapers? Parasol Diapers are beautiful, too. Their diaper as well as wipe subscriptions make it incredibly simple to set-it-and-forget-it. You will modification so lots of diapers, as well as it makes your life a great deal much easier to not have to keep in mind to buy them, too.

Baby Basics

Basic garments must be easy, however youngsters garments seems to infinitely complicated. before you turn around that adorable romper from last week is out of stock as well as discontinued. So two mommies started, as well as I am so grateful. whatever is well made, under $25, as well as in bright solid colors. (I desire they had an adult line.)

The infant screen That will modification Your Life

Sometimes when my youngster is sleeping, I am a lot more anxious about him than when he’s awake. a lot of infant screens have grainy video picture, bad noise quality, lackluster battery life– they normally suck. however the Nanit is a new hi-tech infant screen with HD video that tracks your baby’s sleep patterns. expected to ship in October 2016.

Clothes that Make You a much better Parent

When I had my son, Ben, the healthcare facility provided me a one-piece with tips for exactly how to speak to my baby: “Let’s clap a song,” “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”¦,” stuff like that. I understand that speaking to my infant is important, however it’s difficult to remember. as well as it worked. I felt like a much better mommy when Ben was using it since I was reminded to stay engaged. They are made by speaking is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing, a campaign to motivate parents to talk, read, as well as sing with kids starting at birth. now you can get them from Babylist, as well as with every purchase, you are providing one to one more family. destul de mișto.

Home-cooked Meals

Sometimes the very best present is a frozen lasagna. When you have a newborn, pre-made, homemade food keeps you sane, as well as you are not a weaker person for asking your household as well as good friends to stock your freezer. Iţi promit.

Be on the Sea activity floor Mat

Be on the Sea activity floor mat from Land of Nod

I like a great pun. I likewise like unusual as well as fun infant toys. The whimsical children’s store Land of Nod makes this activity floor mat with whales, snails, jellyfish, as well as other undersea creatures. It entertains the bit ones as well as doesn’t look as well shoddy in a living space or a nursery.

Cheapest Crib You Can discover at IKEA

Shelling out for a crib doesn’t make much sense to me. (I like to spend a lot more on the mattress.) At $79.99, this IKEA crib is a excellent buy.

The Cutest clothes for kids (and Girls)

When it pertains to clothes, women get to have all the fun. I have two boys, as well as it can be difficult to discover cute, elegant clothes for infants that don’t have bows around them. This line of clothes has trendy strong prints for kids as well as girls, so everybody can look cool.

Monica as well as Andy’s Coming house Cuddle Box

You may not want to shell out for the onesies that your bit one is going to wear (and get dirty) every day, however when you bring your infant house from the hospital, it’s a great touch to put on a special attire for the very first time that they come house (and get photographed). These wonderful cuddle boxes from Monica as well as Andy make the day additional special.

Cold difficult Cash

Babies are wonderful, however they can likewise be pricey! often what you requirement is chilly difficult cash. A diaper fund, a childcare fund, a take-out fund, a white wine fund, or a extremely precocious college fund, the money Fund function at BabyList enables you to set exactly how much you want, name your fund, as well as tell your liked ones why it’s crucial to you as well as your family. likewise it’s a excellent method to let several people contribute to a huge ticket product like a stroller.

Your infant registry must be as special as you are, so don’t feel like you have to stay with one store. With Babylist, you can add anything to your registry from any type of store:, Ikea, Target, even Amazon.

These are the kids that influenced BabyList

Faceți o stare de putere meteorologică rece

BRRR. Am avut o clipă rece în Berkeley săptămâna trecută, cu îngheț pe gazon, precum și zăpadă pe dealuri. Am sfârșit prin a fi o astfel de stare de condiție meteorologică, deoarece mutarea în zona golfului din Chicago, cu mulți ani în urmă, încât am avut o perioadă dificilă să părăsesc casa.

Dacă aveți un prunc în timpul iernii, poate fi extrem de simplu să fiți înclinat în transformarea casei dvs. într -o peșteră confortabilă (zidită de grămezi de spălătorie, fără îndoială), cu toate acestea insistăm ferm că ar trebui să părăsiți casa de zi cu zi, indiferent de ce. Chiar și atunci când pare mai simplu să stai acasă. Respirați aer proaspăt, chiar dacă părul nasului îngheață doar un pic!

Bebelușul Holden este totul înscris pentru iarna autentică

Lisa Druxman, creatoarea căruciorului ne amintește că corpul tău se va încălzi dacă faci exerciții fizice, cu toate că sugarul tău nu va fi. Așadar, aici sunt câteva sugestii pentru a se transforma atunci când starea meteo din afară este înspăimântătoare:

Îmbrăcați-vă în straturi, pe măsură ce temperatura dvs. de bază va crește pe măsură ce faceți exerciții fizice ”„ Purtați un material care aruncă umiditatea cel mai aproape de corp, precum și straturi mai calde deasupra.

Nu nu -și amintiți de mănuși, precum și de mittens atât pentru dvs., cât și pentru copil.

Puneți o pălărie pe cea mai bună pentru a păstra cât mai mult corp cald.

Experimentați cu pături snuggly sau un pachet-me (cum ar fi Holden sport în imagine) pentru plimbări mai lungi pentru cărucior în frison. (BTW, aceste mici pungi de dormit confortabile pot scădea securitatea mașinilor și a scaunelor pentru camioane, astfel încât au verificat eticheta înainte de a presupune totul bine).

Puneți -vă pe scutul condiției meteorologice a căruciorului dacă plouă sau ninge.

Prea rece pentru aer liber? Dacă este ploios sau înzăpezit, mergeți la mall. Puterea se plimbă în jurul centrului comercial congestionat în timp ce împingeți un cărucior (pentru antrenament de agilitate) sau purtarea bebelușului (pentru forță).

Aș dori să aud orice tip de alte sfaturi de la mamele rookie care se luptă cu starea meteorologică din sezonul de iarnă pentru a ieși din casă, precum și distracție.

Cum să creezi un costum Charlie Brown pentru copilul tău

, deoarece părul Allie de 8 luni nu a fost încă completat, ea a primit cupola pentru copii ideale pentru un costum Charlie Brown.

Am achiziționat un tricou galben obișnuit, precum și pantaloni scurți gri de la, precum și am cumpărat o foaie de back-back simțită pentru a face renumitul zig-zag pe cămașă.

Acest lucru a durat mai puțin de două minute, precum și am editat -o până la 55 de secunde, astfel încât să puteți vedea exact ce să faceți. Apăsați redare mai jos.

Un videoclip publicat de Heather + Whitney (@rookiemoms) pe 3 octombrie 2016 la 13:43 PDT

Surse: â tricou galben | Pantaloni scurți gri | Sticky Felt | Snoopy

Ce este pe capul ei? Ei bine, Charlie Brown are un pătrat de păr pe frunte, așa că am tăiat o bucată de pâslă lipicioasă, precum și am pus -o pe Allie. Nu părea să se supere. Eyeliner ar face și tehnica, precum și poate rămâne mai mult timp.

Celălalt lucru excelent despre personajul lui Charlie Brown este că, dacă copilul tău plânge sau face față morocănos, este doar o parte a actului.

Obțineți 25% reducere plus transport complet gratuit la prima achiziție la cu cod AFF25PCT

THE 10 best purses FOR mommies ON EVERY OCCASION!

As moms, we’ve got a lot to juggle! There are kids, housework, forms to fill out, doctors’ appointments, play dates, children’s sports, schedules, work, spouses, laundry, groceries… it goes on and on. No matter what we’re doing, we’ve got a kiddo tagging along. That indicates we are either carrying them, their stuff, or both. Not to mention to carry anything that we may actually need. This is exactly why you need this list of the best purses for moms! After all, we weren’t born with 25 arms. 

Diaper bags are undoubtedly the functional choice when you have babies, but even then they’re bulky. Not to mention, you simply just don’t need a diaper bag all the time. On top of this, women’s pants typically don’t have enough big pockets to carry anything a lot more than a credit scores card and a cell phone. So as moms, I think it is crucial to have a couple of different purses for varying occasions!

The 10 best purses for mommies on Every Occasion! 

Sometimes you may only need to pack lightly in a small cross-body purse, other times, you might have three kids (one in diapers!) that you are taking to a soccer game way across town. In this instance, you might need a Mary Poppins purse for things to go smoothly!

I have found that having a whole arsenal of purses helps me stay organized and on top of everything. However, I know lots of mommies who would be fine with just one or two. Let’s explore the types of purses that any mommy may need.

The best purse for the On-the-Go Mom: a budget or Wristlet

Wallets and wristlets only have room to carry your cards and maybe your phone. These are great for quick little outings where you don’t need much or if you have pockets in your coat or pants that can carry your keys and some tissues.

This slim minimalist budget holds my everyday cards and goes anywhere with me. It fits easily in coat pockets or any purse. 

For the functional Mom: a Crossbody Purse

Crossbody bags vary greatly, but the one thing they do have in common is that they are easy to carry because you just sling them across! If you are running a quick errand with little ones in tow, a small crossbody would make a terrific purse for mom. These purses are typically big enough to fit your essentials and they keep your hands free. This indicates you can stop your child from running away from you and knocking down that whole white wine display!

We all love a good Target run. While you’re there, look for this classic cross-body purse. This purse is a great size with plenty of interior pockets and comes in black, olive green, white, or brown.

The must-have mommy Purse: a Tote

Whether you have one kid or five, tote bag purses are the best for multi-use. They come in so lots of different sizes and styles that you can have one for every occasion. You can have one for everyday errands, a nicer one for special occasions, or one that sits somewhere in the middle.

Totes can carry just about anything you could possibly need for a whole day out with your kids. Plus, the best part is that it’s not a clunky diaper bag that screams “I’M A MOM!” Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mom, but often I want to look like a chic and trendy woman who just happens to have a crew of kids clinging to her legs and saying “Mom, mom, mommy!” tot timpul.

This L.L. Bean tote is one of my favorites and you can add a monogram to it as well! It’s incredibly durable, easy to clean, and is the best size for bringing on the plane or day-long adventure.

For mommies of multiple Kiddos: a Backpack

Backpacks are incredibly helpful and (thanks to the fashion world!) they are now incredibly cute. There are so lots of different styles of backpacks out there that any individual can find one that they like. They make for the best purse for a mommy who needs both hands in any way times to keep their kids from doing anything they shouldn’t be doing!

Backpacks are the new cool “diaper bag.” I, for one, have ditched my old diaper bag for a cute but functional backpack. It’s water-resistant, has two side pockets for bottles or sippy cups, and a ton of other different pockets to help organize. Plus, it’s cute! one of the best parts? My husband doesn’t mind carrying it around because it’s gender-neutral and it fits both of our styles.

This is the diaper bag backpack that we have and it fits everything. trying to find something a little fancier? This backpack purse has amazing reviews, is incredibly cute, affordable, and it holds a ton! You can easily wear this option on your carry or as a standard backpack, which I love. 

The best purse for mommies night Out: a Clutch

Clutches come in lots of shapes and sizes, but they are typically too small to hold everything you need with kids. However, it is great to have a go-to hold that you can use for a night sans kids!  Whether it’s lady’s night, date night, or any night that doesn’t involve kids, a hold is a best little purse to hold your essentials andlucrurile tale. O reținere este un semn cel mai mare pentru lumea mămicilor care spune „Am noaptea!”

Nimic nu spune „noapte afară!” cam ca un ambreiaj fantezist. Iată cele două preferate ale mele; Această opțiune roz pal sau această reținere YSL (tratați -vă!).

Cum folosesc toate poșetele mele mămici

În prezent, am doi copii și sunt însărcinată cu a treia și o mulțime de zile, îmi aduc doar micul poșetă transversală cu mine sau bugetul meu dacă am buzunare. Cheile, portofelul și telefonul meu toate intră în buzunarele mele, atunci când este posibil și asta este. Chiar dacă mai am unul în scutece, nu aduc o pungă de scutec cu mine dacă rulez o eroare care va dura mai puțin de două sau trei ore. Păstrez întotdeauna scutece suplimentare, șervețele și țesuturi în minivanul meu, astfel încât să pot să -mi țin mâinile gratuite atunci când sunt cu copiii mei.

Când mergem într -un loc despre care știu că este umplut cu germeni (săli de joacă, grădina zoologică, parc etc.), aduc un tote sau un rucsac. Îl țin umplut cu șervețele de igienizare, șervețele umede, gustări, solare solare, scutece și niște hârtie și creioane.

Dacă sunteți o mămică care este mereu în mers sau o mămică căreia îi place foarte mult să fie pregătită, vă recomand să aveți o geantă care este întotdeauna stocată. Toate pungile mele au țesuturi, igienizator de mână, stilouri, capstick și un stoc proaspăt de gustări. Copiii mei ar putea trăi într -o lume cu murdărie și un scutec umed, dar nu pot trăi fără gustări mai mult de două ore.

Indiferent dacă sunteți o ședere acasă, o mamă care lucrează sau o mămică din mers, a avea o varietate de poșete este util pentru a vă menține viața organizată și elegantă. Sper că această listă te -a ajutat să găsești o poșetă care să funcționeze perfect pentru tine!

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Why people with healthy Snacking habits perform much better at work

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A great deal of articles provide us advice on boosting work performance by enjoying some downtime, avoiding multi-tasking, blocking out time wasters, as well as more. While these strategies are extremely effective, we stop working to deal with the importance of healthy snacking habits. just since snacking is performed in between meals doesn’t mean it should be an afterthought.

Snacking assists keep our blood sugar levels steady as well as provides us with extra nutrients, to ensure that we can focus much better as well as stay energized at work. As a manager or employee, you requirement to produce a healthy snack foods listing as well as stay with it, to ensure that you can perform at your finest every day.

Why is healthy snacking important?

Healthy Snacking enhances brain Function

People can utilize healthy snacking as a trick weapon to keep their brains sharp at work. According to Harvard health and wellness Publications, our brains need a constant supply of fuel for it to function. This fuel comes from what we eat. The high quality of foods we take in makes all the difference. snacks that contain a great deal of sodium as well as preservatives can negatively effect your memory.

Certain snack foods can likewise zap your focus. These snacks may be the reason why some employees’ minds tend to roam at work while efficiency decreases. examples of these not-so-great foods include diet plan soda, ice cream, microwave popcorn, as well as donuts.

Stock up on brain-boosting snacks that improve your memory as well as concentration such as whole eggs, blueberries, dark chocolate, as well as kale chips.

Healthy Snacking Boosts energy as well as supports the Immune System

One of the factors that negatively impacts employees’ performance at work is sickness. Sickness leads to absenteeism, which not only effects a worker’s income however likewise the well-being of other personnel members who bear the added workload.

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Inflammation in the body can prevent the immune system from working well. When inflammation develops, a person becomes susceptible to flu, colds, heart disease, as well as other chronic illnesses. bad food choices, like as well much fat as well as sugar, can really contribute to an inflammatory response. We commonly presume that stress is the only culprit behind the process of inflammation, however food plays a considerable role.

Healthy snacking has restorative impacts on the body. Snacking healthily allows people to stay awake as well as alert physically as well as mentally. To bring back our energy as well as support our immune system, we requirement to select nutrient-dense as well as disease-fighting snacks at work like salmon, dark lettuce, chia seeds, as well as walnuts.

Healthy Snacking Boosts positive Emotions

What you eat can impact exactly how you feel. snacks that are packed with sugar make you feel euphoric as well as giddy at very first with a accident as well as irritation afterward. The truth is that sugar boosts the danger for depression. Take note that people who commonly pick healthy snacks tend to display more calm as well as happy emotions, while those who tons up on fine-tuned carbohydrates commonly experience mood swings.

Serotonin is one of the brain chemicals that triggers positive emotions. A simple as well as practical solution to naturally boost serotonin at work is to eat snacks that are rich in tryptophan. The reason for this is that tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin. It is the key component for the synthesis of serotonin in the body. Serotonin isn’t discovered in foods, so consuming those that contain tryptophan is the method to boost serotonin production in the body.

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Here’s the great news: There are a great deal of snack choices that contain high levels of tryptophan. These snacks include eggs, pineapples, fish, nuts, as well as beets. As a rule, select snacks that are high in protein since most of them contain tryptophan.


Snacking is an important activity that workers can leverage to boost mental focus, stay physically strong, as well as support healthy emotions. Food has a holistic impact on the human body. The nutrients discovered in the sNack -urile pe care le mâncăm pot fie să ne motiveze corpurile să se descompună sau să ajungă să fie mai puternici. Faceți opțiunile potrivite, precum și vă veți spune mai târziu.

Link către această postare: De ce oamenii cu obiceiuri sănătoase de gustare performează mult mai bine la muncă


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Spring în sezonul de îmbrăcăminte de baie cu proteine ​​delicioase, proteine ​​Tyson păsări de curte (Giveaway)

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Primăvara este chiar după colț, precum și asta înseamnă că este timpul să te formați, precum și să săpați acel costum vechi de înot sau să faceți cumpărături pentru unul nou. Ești pregătit pentru vremea mai caldă? Te simți pozitiv în costumul de baie? Exact cum te descurci cu obiectivele de pierdere în greutate a rezoluției de Anul Nou?

Tyson Foods, precum și dieteticianul înregistrat, Tara Miller, s-au alăturat la fel de mult ca să le ofere femeilor înțelepte sfaturi de viață, folosind ingrediente slabe, pregătite cu rețete, cum ar fi puiul Tyson® Grătar & Ready ™. Mai jos este un articol fantastic de la Tyson pentru a vă ajuta să păstrați obiceiurile alimentare sănătoase în această primăvară.

Păstrați -vă un nou în noul an cu mese de păsări la grătar în câteva minute, mâncând o parte din rutina dvs. cu sfaturi de viață înțelepte de la dieteticianul înregistrat Tara Miller, precum și Tyson® Grilled & Ready ™ Chicken

Springdale, Ark., 19 ianuarie 2011 / PRNewswire / – Pe măsură ce noul an începe, păstrarea la curent cu rezoluțiile de Anul Nou pentru a mânca corect este de minte pentru mulți. Potrivit unui sondaj pentru consumatori din 2009, două din primele trei cele mai proeminente rezoluții de Anul Nou includ stabilirea vieții mult mai bune, precum și obiceiurile alimentare¹, cu toate acestea, mulți încetează să lucreze pentru a -și păstra rezoluțiile în prima lună. Pentru a ajuta femeile să-și păstreze obiectivele pentru obiceiurile alimentare îmbunătățite, Tyson Foods, precum și dieteticianul înregistrat Tara Miller au făcut echipă la fel de mult ca să le ofere femeilor înțelepte sfaturi de viață care folosesc ingrediente slabe, pregătite cu rețete, cum ar fi Tyson® Grătar & Ready ™ Chicken.

„Pentru multe femei, Anul Nou este un moment pentru a arăta asupra obiceiurilor alimentare, precum și a obiectivelor stabilite pentru opțiuni mai inteligente pentru anul următor, dar totuși rutinele agitate, precum și mesele presate în timp duc frecvent la opțiuni alimentare proaste, precum și la rezoluții eșuate ”, A declarat Tara Miller, dietetician înregistrat, precum și proprietar al Realizat Balance, Nutriție, precum și Wellness Consulting. „Având o proteină slabă, gătită în prealabil, pregătită cu rețete, cum ar fi păsările de curte la grătar și preparate în bucătăria dvs., este simplu să faceți opțiuni de masă care sunt atât înțelepte, cât și pregătite în doar câteva minute.”

Tara sugerează să faci lumină, precum și mâncăruri simple, cum ar fi păsările de curte de chili-portocaliu cu ardei iute, precum și salată de păsări de sud-vest, făcute cu fileuri de sân integrale la grătar și preparate sau benzi de sân la grătar și preparate. Păsările la grătar și preparate oferă o soluție proteică slabă complet gătită, precum și perfect portată pentru vasele ușoare preferate, calde sau reci. Soiurile de păsări la grătar și preparate nu sunt de 98% fără grăsimi, precum și nu conțin conservanți, ceea ce le face o metodă rapidă, precum și înțeleaptă pentru a face să mănânce o parte corectă a rutinei tale. Oferite în congelator, precum și secțiuni frigorifice la păsările alimentare, la grătar și preparate, sunt pregătite în doar câteva minute, precum și ușor ambalate, astfel încât să puteți utiliza ceea ce aveți nevoie pentru a produce mese gustoase, precum și înțelepte, în câteva minute, precum și pentru Odihna rămâne proaspătă pentru următoarea masă rapidă.

Urmează câteva dintre sfaturile rapide ale lui Tara pentru a ajuta femeile să -și păstreze rutina de viață înțeleaptă în Anul Nou, precum și dincolo:

* Nu evitați niciodată un mic dejun sănătos – cu siguranță vă va începe pe piciorul greșit! Creierul tău are nevoie de combustibilul adecvat dimineața, precum și de furnizarea de cofeină sau nimic deloc nu te va ajuta să fii cel mai bun. În schimb, încercați iaurt cu migdale feliate, precum și fructe proaspete sau un pâine prăjită cu cereale integrale cu unt natural de arahide pentru a începe ziua corectă. Veți observa diferența pozitivă, precum și talia vă va spune mulțumiri pentru aceasta.* Pentru a oferi metabolismului dvs. un impuls, asigurați -vă că rămâneți hidratat. Ceea ce experimentăm frecvent ca oboseală, iritație, precum și chiar foamea este cu adevărat setea, așa că bea! Șaizeci și patru de uncii fluide sunt cantitatea sugerată pentru majoritatea oamenilor, cu toate acestea ar trebui consumate în băuturi mici sau fără calorii. Încercați să adăugați felii proaspete de portocale, castraveți, precum și limes/lămâi la un ulcior de apă pentru a ajuta să motivați mai mult aportul de lichide.* Numerele de nutriție pot fi simple de reținut, cum ar fi 5 grame de fibre pe porție pentru un total de 25 de grame de fibre Pe zi, 5 mese mici pe zi, 5 porții de fructe, precum și legume în fiecare zi, precum și 5 uncii de proteine ​​slabe pe masă. Pentru mulți cu un stil de viață din timp, motivez să profit de comenzile rapide de masă, cum ar fi legumele pre-tăiate, adăugând fructe congelate la deserturi, precum și utilizând Poul gata, complet portabiltry like Grilled & prepared poultry to add to salads or as an entrée.

“We comprehend that the new year brings a renewed commitment to healthier living, however women aren’t willing to sacrifice the high quality or taste of their meals,” stated Leslie Gordon, group product Manager. “Whether you’re looking to make a simple sandwich, salad or an entrée, Grilled & prepared Frozen whole breast Fillets as well as Grilled & prepared Frozen as well as Refrigerated poultry breast Strips are perfect, lean protein solutions to assist women make wise meal options without costs any type of extra time in the kitchen.”About Tyson® Grilled & prepared Chicken

* perfect for Lighter Dishes — Tyson® Grilled & prepared Frozen whole breast Fillets as well as Frozen as well as Refrigerated poultry breast Strips are 98% fat free as well as contain no preservatives, making them a tasty as well as wise method to make eating right part of your routine.* simple to Prepare — Tyson® Grilled & prepared Frozen whole breast Fillets as well as Frozen as well as Refrigerated poultry breast Strips are fully-cooked as well as perfectly-portioned, offering a lean protein solution for your preferred light dishes, hot or cold. prepared in just minutes as well as with their practical packaging, you can utilize what you requirement to produce tasty as well as wise meals in minutes, as well as the rest stays fresh for the next quick-fix meal.* Tender in minutes — Tyson® Grilled & prepared Frozen whole breast Fillets as well as poultry breast Strips are tender as well as juicy right out of the microwave—for perfectly-cooked grilled poultry in just minutes without having to turn on the grill!* Fresh as well as prepared — Tyson® Grilled & prepared Refrigerated poultry breast Strips are the perfect addition for a healthy meal on-the-go. Fresh directly from the refrigerator, they provide the perfect lean protein addition to any type of entrée, salad or sandwich with very little prep time.

For more info on Tyson® Grilled & prepared Chicken, go to Tyson Foods, Inc.

Tyson Foods, Inc. [NYSE: TSN], established in 1935 with headquarters in Springdale, Arkansas, is the world’s largest processor as well as marketer of chicken, beef, as well as pork, the second-largest food production business in the ton of money 500 as well as a member of the S&P 500. The business creates a wide range of protein-based as well as prepared food products as well as is the acknowledged market leader in the retail as well as foodservice markets it serves. Tyson provides products as well as service to clients throughout the united states as well as more than 90 countries. The business has approximately 115,000 team members employed at more than 400 facilities as well as offices in the united states as well as around the world. with its Core Values, Code of Conduct as well as team member expense of Rights, Tyson strives to operate with integrity as well as trust as well as is dedicated to producing value for its shareholders, clients as well as team Members. The business likewise strives to be faith-friendly, provide a risk-free work atmosphere as well as serve as stewards of the animals, land as well as atmosphere delegated to it.

*Disclosure I got coupons for free Tyson® Grilled as well as prepared poultry in exchange for this article. Toate opiniile sunt precise, precum și 100% ale mele.

Related  It’s Back-to-School Season—Time to begin cooking with Your Kids!

Tyson® as well as The healthy moms magazine is providing away two coupons for free Tyson® Grilled as well as prepared poultry to two separate healthy moms magazine readers. All you requirement to do is leave a comment to enter.

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Pencils, books and dirty Looks: helping Your child handle Back-to-School stress

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From nursery school to college, going back to school can be a source of stress. young children may have separation anxiety, and students of any age can face bullying. High school students may worry about their GPAs, and freshmen college students may struggle with entering a new phase in life. here is an overview of the stressors your children may face, and how you can help them adjust.

Anxietate de separare

In nursery school, pre-K and kindergarten, it’s normal for a child to be anxious and homesick in a new environment. When you drop him off, he may cling to you, cry, or beg you not to leave him. What would you do if, for the first time in your life, your parents left you alone with a bunch of strangers? This behavior usually diminishes with time, as the child adjusts to a new environment and makes friends. but in some cases the behavior can be more persistent and severe. If your child refuses to attend school for weeks, constantly talks about feeling sick or withdraws from his social circle, he may have separation anxiety disorder.  Separation anxiety disorder is a condition that refers to when a child experiences fear and disproportionate worry about the idea of separation from a parent or guardian.  If this is the case, the best option for everyone  is to seek professional help.


Of all the challenges that school age children have to face, coping with a bully is one of the most difficult. Every child yearns to be accepted and liked, and being picked on and ridiculed can be a blow to anyone’s sense of dignity and self-worth. Bullying has even contributed to suicide in extreme cases; it should not be dealt with alone. signs that your child is being bullied may include moodiness, irregular eating or sleeping and avoidance of everyday situations like taking the school bus.

If you see these or other signs of bullying, make sure your child knows that she should talk to you about it, and that you’re there to help. Being bullied typically carries a stigma, and your child may feel embarrassed or ashamed, so be quick to comfort her and tell her that the bully, not her, should feel ashamed. then tell a school nurse, counselor or teacher about the situation, so that they can take steps to monitor and prevent it.

Academic stress in High School

College admissions is more competitive than ever, and the pressure to excel is being felt even in middle school students. It’s one thing to encourage students to do their best, but sending a message that one’s worth and potential are measured in grades and scores can be a formula for toxic stress. parents should be on the lookout for exhaustion from late nights of studying, for headaches and for symptoms of depression. above all, keep the lines of communication open by having casual one-on-one time with your child each week, and listening to what he says (and does not say).

Symptoms of depression include:

Fatigue, chronic tiredness, lethargy

changes in weight (gain or loss)

Loss of interest in acts of pleasure, hobbies or socialization

focus and concentration problems

Guilt feelings

Suicidal ideation

If over-scheduling is part of the problem, help your child limit his extracurricular commitments to the few he most enjoys. also teach him time-management skills and stress-relief tips, like studying early in the evening and in a distraction-free location.

Starting College

Any life change can be stressful, and the change experienced at the start of college can among one of the most drastic. Freshmen must not only handle a more challenging academic workload, but also create a new support system from scratch. since the ability to cope with anxiety is typically limited by physical health, your child should keep a healthy diet, get enough sleep and make time for regular exercise. and even while she’s making new pals and exploring the social scene on campus, you should encourage her to stay in touch.

Most stress in children and teens is somehow connected with school, and should never be downplayed. always be attuned to your children’s feelings, and be attentive to signs of tension, so that you can help them develop healthy coping strategies when they needs them. It is typically impossible to avoid stress, but the right interventions can make it manageable for you and your child.

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Link către această postare: Creioane, cărți și aspecte murdare: Ajutarea copilului tău să gestioneze stresul înapoi la școală
Înrudit sunt o mamă proastă dacă nu -l las pe copilul meu să joace Fortnite?


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The face of Postpartum depression

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In that picture I look like I have no cares in the world and am the most pleased person you will ever meet, right? GRESIT! So very wrong! I have suffered from depression for years and it gets much worse after I have babies. I had it after I had Devin, but was in denial and did not get treatment. Luckily, I was able to work through it by going back to work and being “away” for a few hours a day. After I had Makenzie though, I was not able to work through it alone. My PPD began after I had to have an appendectomy not even three weeks after giving birth through csection to Makenzie. I think it was just too much on my body. I sank into a deep depression and had panic attacks at night when my spouse would leave for work. I would be fine one minute and raging mad the next. I never thought of hurting anybody thank goodness (that’s actually post partum psychosis- something much worse than PPD), but there were several times when I just couldn’t think of how I was going to be alone in the house at night when David was at work with these five kids to be responsible for. I would have bad dreams about “forgetting” Makenzie at the mall and wake up in a panic thinking it wasn’t a dream. That’s when I knew I needed help.

I called my OB and he put me on zoloft. It has been a wonder drug. I could practically tell a difference right away and a few weeks after being on it, David thanked me for taking it- LOL (guess he discovered a bit of a difference too) I’ve had to up the dosage once so far thanks to my body getting “used” to it- but all in all it’s been a amazing improvement. and the best of all… zoloft is considered safe during breastfeeding so I am allowed to take it while nursing. I still have good days and bad days, but on the meds there are much more good days than bad. and I’m pleased to report that I no longer have strange dreams about “forgetting” Makenzie, or anybody else for that matter

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I’m posting this in case some of you reading this are like I used to be and are ashamed to call your DR and tell them you have PPD. I thought I had to be a supermom and be able to deal with everything with grace and if I didn’t then I was a failure as a mom. I’ve because learned that I would have failed had I not gotten help. Calling my OB was very tough; admitting I had PPD was even tougher… but I’m pleased I had the courage to get the help I needed. So is my family

Visit my blog simply blessed for much more stories about the trials, tribulations and joys of raising five children!

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Homeopathic Remedies safer Than OTC

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Using as well as the misuse of typical over the counter medicines is on the increase in the United States. According to The Nielsen Company, U.S. retail sales of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines in 2010 totaled $17 billion. There are roughly 1,000 active components utilized in the much more than 100,000 OTC products offered in the market today. Homeopathic remedies are understood to be safer than conventional over-the-counter medicines.

A majority of Americans believe that OTC medicines are risk-free as well as effective, nevertheless many people do not comply with the labels directions.  This misuse of OTC medications has led to countless people suffering from preventable diseases.

Below are a few typical errors people make when taking OTC medications.

Tylenol (Acetaminophen)

Acetaminophen is discovered in a number of prominent over the counter medications. It is utilized to treat fever as well as pain. However, misusing this medication can result in serious liver damage. Do not mix this pill with alcohol.  If you take much more than eight additional stamina acetaminophen pills in two days, as well as have much more than seven drinks in a week it may cause liver damage.  people likewise fail to remember that it is so simple to utilize as well much by taking two or much more different OTC products that include acetaminophen at the exact same time.  This typical pain reliever is discovered in NyQuil, Tylenol products, Benadryl as well as Vicodin as well as Percocet prescriptions.

Advil or Motrin (Ibuprofen)

Ibuprofen is many typically utilized to treat menstrual cramps, fever, sprains as well as joint pain connected with arthritis. On they have evaluations on the very best supplements for joint health. people that continually take ibuprofen on a routine basis can establish serious ulcers, high blood pressure, kidney as well as liver damage, as well as in unusual situations even experience from a stroke or a heart attack.

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Bayer, St. Joseph, Bufferin, Ecotrin (Aspirin)

Aspirin is utilized to treat pain as well as inflammation.  as well as there is evidence that taking a low dose of aspirin everyday can decrease your danger of having a heart attack. Prolonged utilize can result in kidney as well as liver damage or ulcers.

Aleve (Naproxen)

Naproxen assists eliminate fever, pain, inflammation as well as joint pain linked to arthritis.  just like Ibuprofen, Naproxen can result in serious liver as well as kidney damage if taken as well often.

If you are taking over-the-counter pain relievers as well as are concerned about short as well as long-lasting side impacts there is a safer alternative.  Taking homeopathic remedies instead of an OTC  pain reliever reduces your danger of  suffering harmful side effects.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old method started by Samuel Hahnemann based on the doctrine “like cures like.” Hahnemann believed that illness symptoms can be treated by little doses of substances which create similar symptoms in healthy people. Today the homeopathic medication market has grown to ended up being a multimillion dollar industry.

Why are homeopathic remedies safer than NSAID’s?

16,500 people die every year as well as 103,000 are hospitalized since of NSAID-related issues in the us alone. since homeopathic medicines include extremely little amounts of active components they aer risk-free for adults, expecting women as well as children.  extremely few side impacts have been reported after taking a homeopathic remedy. however just like any type of other medication you should comply with the product label on all homeopathic remedies before use.

Discuss your symptoms with your physician before taking any type of type of medication. For much more info on homeopathy see

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