Fitness Friday #BlogHop #LinkUp – 10 fantastic muscle mass building exercises

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If you want to look fantastic in that swim fit this summertime or just get toned as well as feel much better about yourself, then you must do a lot more stamina training exercises as well as utilize the very best bodybuilding supplements.  below are ten of my preferred muscle mass building exercises.

1. Dumbbell Arm CurlsIf you don’t have heavy dumbbells, a lot more reps with light weights will provide you the exact same results. While standing or sitting hold your weights firmly in each hand as well as bend your elbows slowly up. You can either lift both arms together or one at a time. If you want to work out your triceps, point your fist to the floor with the inside of your arm dealing with in front of you as well as prolong your elbow towards your back.

2. Dumbbell carry Press

Like the previous exercise several reps with light weights will provide you the exact same results. While standing or sitting hold the weights to your ears with your elbows bent as well as slowly lift your arms over your head.

3. Dumbbell breast Press

Lay down flat on your back. utilize a mat if you are working out on a difficult surface. like the carry press hold your dumbbells close to your ears with your elbows bent. then lift them up bringing your fists together. You can likewise do this exercise with light weights making repeated reps.

4. Dumbbell Calf Raises

Stand holding your dumbbells to your sides. lift yourself up on your toes. Repeat a number of times for optimal results.

5. Leg Lifts

You can do this exercise with or without ankle weights. Lay down on your side as well as lift up your top leg as far as you can. Bring it down as well as repeat a number of times. then flip over as well as repeat with your other leg.

6. Squats With or Without Weights

Stand up as well as bend down at your knees. Repeat a number of times. I like to do this with a kettlebell. Hold the kettlebell close to your breast while squatting down.

7. Bicycles

This exercise strengthens both your upper as well as lower abs. Lay down flat on your back. utilize a mat if doing this on a difficult surface. location your hands behind your head bending your elbows. bend your knees as well as bring them together with your elbows one knee as well as elbow at a time. Repeat a number of times for optimal results.

8. Side Planks with or Without Knee Bends

For novices all you requirement to do is prop yourself on your side, lift up as well as hold for 30 seconds. then repeat on your other side.  For the a lot more advanced, when you are on your side utilizing your lower leg bend your knee out in front of yourself. Repeat a number of times on each side.

9. physical fitness sphere Passes

This exercise likewise develops muscle mass in your abs.  Lay flat on your back. utilize a mat if exercising on a difficult surface. location your physical fitness sphere in between your ankles. lift up your legs as well as arms concurrently as well as pass the sphere from your legs to your hands. Lay flat once again with the sphere in your hands above your head. Pass the sphere back to your ankles in the exact same manner. Repeat a number of times for optimal results. 10. Hip ThrustsThis exercise works out your glutes for a firmer butt. You need to utilize a weight in buy to see any type of results. I normally utilize a kettlebell for this exercise. location your back on the edge of a chair or bench for support as well as lift yourself up with your feet on the floor as well as knees bent. location your weight on your lower abdomen.  bend your hips downward pointing your buttocks to the floor as well as raise them back up. Repeat a number of times for optimal results.What are a few of your preferred muscle mass building exercises?

*image courtesy of

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