Apolo Ohno Trains for new York City Marathon

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Eight-time Olympic medalist and winner of dancing With the Stars, Apolo Ohno is prepared to take on his next challenge, participating in the ING nyc Marathon this Sunday.

Subway spokesman Jared Fogle challenged the speed skater to run the 26.2 mile race after Fogle completed the event last year.

Running on behalf of subway and the special Olympics, Ohno is thrilled about taking a break from short track speed skating to run in the marathon. If Ohno finishes in under four hours subway has agreed to donate $26,200 to the special Olympics. Subway’s generosity along with the excitement of the expected crowds is helping Ohno stay motivated for the event.

The healthy mothers magazine had the opportunity to speak with Ohno about his training and preparations for the race on Thursday.What have you learned about diet while training for the race? I am playing with different fats and carbohydrates along with proteins in searching for the best type of foods.What is your favorite subway sandwich? Twelve inch double meat turkey on honey oat with all the veggies and in some cases avacado.

What are your favorite post run foods? I typically drink coconut water or low fat chocolate milk after a long run or eat a subway sandwich.

How have you found training for a marathon different from short track speed skating? I have learned to slow down. It is a long race. The first 10 miles are like a 40m sprint.How has your body changed from training for the marathon? I can purchase regular jeans now, before I had to have all customized fit. I had a 27-inch waist, but my legs were huge. now this has enabled me to balance my body out.

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What music do you listen to while running? muzica house. My favorite is Cascade. It is rhythmic and gets me in the mood to run.

You travel a lot so how do you manage to fit your training in your busy schedule? My trainer, Todd Rushworth developed a program suited to my needs. He is able to distinguish travel and miles based on outside experience. I don’t like the treadmill. I choose running by the water.

How do you get kids thrilled about working out? Running can be fun. parents need to lead by example.

Do you have any guidance for anybody training for a marathon for the first time? plan ahead and stay consistent. Make sure you have the best trainer and don’t miss the big runs. Fii consistent.

After the marathon what is next for Apolo Ohno? I am doing some TV and film in Hollywood, the Olympics, a trip to Asia and projects with subway and other sponsors.

The marathon takes place in new York City on Sunday November 6, 2011. Please check out nycmarathon.org for event details.

Subway and The healthy mothers magazine is giving away a $25 subway gift card to a lucky reader. All you need to do is leave us a comment to enter.

*Disclosure I received a $25 gift card to subway in exchange for this short article and giveaway.

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Cascia Talbert is a busy blogger, publisher, freelance writer, online merchant and mother of five children, living in The Pacific Northwest. CuA B.A. În istorie și drept și o pasiune pentru a scrie și a rămâne sănătos, a început revista Healthy Mothers în 2007. Revista Healthy Mothers este clasată în prezent pe blogul de sănătate de top pentru mame și prezintă mai mulți scriitori experți în sănătate și bloggeri mamă. Dna Talbert consideră că, dacă mamele sunt bine educate cu privire la problemele de sănătate și cum să rămână sănătoși, pot transmite aceste informații copiilor lor și pot inversa statisticile obezității copilăriei din S.U.A.

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